Turkic World through the eyes of Hungarian students

The Representation Office of the Turkic Council in Budapest is carrying out a contest
called “Honeycomb toffee and pomegranates”. High school students of 9 th and 12 th
grades were able to enter the competition in a team of four, led by one teacher. Some
valuable prizes and a five-day camp in Szigetvár, Hungary is waiting for the winners.
Thirty-six teams have applied for the competition announced by the Representation Office.
From Zalaegerszeg to Kézdivásárhely, and from Nádudvar to Szigetvár, high school students
from many locations in the country have signed up to compete until 30 May 2021 in a
competition that consists of several rounds and covers the past and present of the Turkic

The introduction video produced by the competing teams clearly shows that they are seriously interested in questions about the cultural traditions and daily life of the Turkic peoples (Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Turks, Uzbeks and other smaller Turkic nations). This competition also allows to learn about the depth of connections of Hungarians with the Turkic peoples. While preparing interactive travel diaries the students will also have the opportunity to get insights into the travels of Ármin Vámbéry and György Almásy – Hungarian scholars who have researched the region and left behind interesting records of their travels and encounters with Turkic people. Turkic World encompasses over 170 million people, from the Dardanelles to the Altai Mountains, from the northern corners of the Turan Plain to the ports of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a world linked by linguistic kinship, history and a common future. The aim of the Budapest Representation Office is to introduce students to the history, traditions, cultural, natural values of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan during the competition and their connections to Hungary. Detailed information about the competition and the can be found on the website: http://www.turkvetelkedo.hu.

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